All Physics Courses

PHYS 101Physics I
Vectors, kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, work and energy, conservation of energy, linear momentum and its conservation, rotation of rigid bodies about a fixed axis, angular momentum and its conservation. (One laboratory session every week). Physics I (3+1+2) 4 ECTS 8
PHYS 102Physics II
Equilibrium of rigid bodies, oscillations, gravitation, fluid statics and dynamics, waves in elastic media, introduction to thermodynamics and kinetic theory, sound. (One laboratory session every week).Physics II (3+1+2) 4 ECTS 8
PHYS 101.
PHYS 111, 112General Physics I,II
General physics for students in social sciences. Basic principles of classical and modern physics.Physics I (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
PHYS 121Introductory Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Introduction to mechanics and thermodynamics designed for students with advanced standing, through topics such as vectorial mechanics,equilibrium of rigid bodies, rotational dynamics, oscillations, waves and thermodynamics. Not offered to students who have taken Phys 101, or Phys 102, or Phys 130.(3+1+2) 4 ECTS 8
PHYS 125Calculational Methods In Physics
Properties of elementary functions; their graphs and values at special arguments. Expansions and approximation techniques used in scientific problems. Coordinate systems; areas and volumes of basic geometrical objects.(1+1+0) 1 ECTS 2
PHYS 130Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Introduction to thermodynamics, oscillations, waves, interference and diffraction, gratings and spectra, quantization of energy and wave behaviour of particles. No cuncurrent credit with Phys 102, or Phys 121, or Phys 202.(3+1+2) 4 ECTS 7
PHYS 101.
PHYS 136Introduction To Scientific Report Writing And Computing
LATEX and MATLAB basics.(0+0+2) 1 ECTS 2
PHYS 142 Basic Concepts in Modern Physics
Stern-Gerlach filters: probability amplitudes and probabilities for various outcomes. Compatible and incompatible observables. Resolving power and uncertainly. Filtering signals spatially (temporally) and uncertainties in resolving their wavelengths (frequencies) Uncertainty principle and the stability of hydrogen atom. Concept of simultaneity in specail relativity and applications.(1+1+0) 1
PHYS 150Information and Entropy
This course explores the ultimate limits to communication and computation with an emphasis on the physical nature of information and information processing. Topics include: Information and computation, digital signals, codes and compression, algorithmic information, noise, probability, error correction, reversible and irreversible operations, physics of computation, Shannon entropy. The concept of entropy applied to channel capacity and to the second law of thermodynamics, and energy and temperature of physical systems are handled using the principle of maximum entropy.(3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
MATH 101.
PHYS 177 AComputational Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Probability
From Physical to Mathematical Models; Collisions of elastic and inelastic balls; iterative function systems and fractals; mathematical features of fractals, their visualization through simulations; simulating randomness, analyzing distributions through histograms; random number generators and their statistical performance analysis; simple maps with complex behaviour; (logistic map and others) examples exhibiting chaotic behaviour; their simulation and analysis.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 5
PHYS 180Exploring the Universe
Solar system: planets and the Sun, Milkyway. Other galaxies and the Hubble’s law. Bigbang. Inflation. The first few minutes, primordial nucleosynthesis. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. Life cycle of stars. Death of stars, supernovae. Brown dwarfs, white dwarfs. Neutron stars, concepts of general relativity, black holes, gamma ray bursts. Hawking radiation and evaporation of black holes. Dark matter and dark energy. The future of the universe.(3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
MATH 101.
PHYS 197Analytical Methods in Physics
Properties of elementary functions; their graphs and values at special arguments. Expansions and approximation techniques used in scientific problems. Coordinate systems, areas and volumes of basic geometrical objects. Algebra of Space and Time Translations. Rotations in two and three dimensions. Galilei and Lorentz transformations and their generators. Introduction to Clifford algebra and Pauli Spin matrices.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 198Numerical Methods in Physics 
Approximate calculations. Errors and rounding. Numerical approximations of functions. Numeric differentiation and integration. Monte Carlo methods. Random numbers. (3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 201Physics III
Charge and matter, the electric field, Gauss law, electrostatic potential,capacitance, current and resistance electromotive force and circuits, the magnetic field, Ampére’s law, Faraday’s law, inductance, magnetic properties of matter. (One laboratory session every week.) Physics III (3+1+2) 4 ECTS 6
PHYS 101 or PHYS 121.
PHYS 202Physics IV
Electromagnetic oscillations, AC circuits. Maxwell’s equations,electromagnetic waves, light and its propagation, reflection, refraction, geometrical optics, interference and diffraction, gratings and spectra, polarization, the particle-like properties of electromagnetic radiation: photons, Bohr model and the spectrum of the hydrogen atom.Physics IV (3+1+2) 4 ECTS 6
PHYS 201.
PHYS 205Exploring the Cosmos I
A survey course primarily for non-science students, with heavily visual character (slides and some videos). No calculus or science background needed. Contents of, and sizes in the cosmos. Ancient astronomy. The scientific revolution. The inner planets: Earth, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus. the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Satellites and rings of the giant planets. Pluto. The asteroid belt. comets. The origin of the solar system. (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
PHYS 206 Exploring the Cosmos II
A survey course primarily for non-science students, with heavily visual character (slides and some videos). No calculus or science background needed. Contents of, and sizes in the cosmos. The Sun. Solar energy. Stellar observations. Double stars. Classification of stars. Birth and evolution of stars. Death of stars. white dwarfs, novae, supernovae, neutron stars, black holes. The Milky Way. Galaxies and the expansion of the universe. The Big Bang. Space exploration. Commercialization of space. future life in space. Space travel. SETI:Search for extraterrestrial intelligence. (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
PHYS 212 Electrotechnology for Physicists
A qualitative approach to basic equipment and machinery used in electrical power applications: Electrical contacts and switching, magnetic circuits, relays and contactors, transformers, Dc generators and motors, induction and synchronous machines. Characteristics and control of electrical machinery. ((1+1+0) 1 ECTS 2
PHYS 221Thermal Properties of Matter
Elements of probability theory, Bernoulli, Poisson and Gaussian probability distributions. Random walk and diffusion. Thermal motion, molecular distribution of energy in crystals and gases, definition of temperature and the Boltzmann factor, statistical characterization of thermal equilibrium, entropy. Entropy and heat: second law of thermodynamics. Entropy of mixing. Open systems and free energy minimum principles. Applications of the equilibrium conditions: the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Raoult’s law, Henry’s law, Osmotic pressure. Ideal gases with internal degrees of freedom. Third law of thermodynamics. (3+2+0) 3 ECTS 5
PHYS 102 or PHYS 121 or PHYS 130.
PHYS 225 Earth Science I
Matters and Minerals. Rocks. Weathering, soil and mass wasting. Running water and groundwater. Glaciers, deserts and wind. Plate techtonics. Earthquakes and Earth's interior. Volcanoes and other igneous activity. Crustal deformation and mountain building. Geologic time. Earth's evolution through geologic time.(3+1+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 226 Earth Science II
The ocean floor. Ocean water and ocean life. The dynamic ocean. The atmosphere: Moisture, clouds, precipitation, air pressure and wind. Weather patterns and severe storms. World climates and global climate change. Origins of of modern astronomy. Our solar system. Light, astronomical observations and the Sun. Beyond our solar system(3+1+0)3 ECTS 6
PHYS 290 Computer Applications in Physics
The aim of this course is to give the student a knowledge about computer systems, use of peripherals and graphical user interfaces, scientific word processing (via WORD, WORD PERFECT or LATEX), tabulation, spreadsheets (via EXCEL or PARADOX), graphical presentations, application of these facilities to simple physical problems, electronic mail and information retrieval systems (Bitnet, Internet), rudiments of programming. (2+2+2) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 301Classical Mechanics I
Review of basic mathematical tools used in mechanics. Dynamics of particles and systems of particles, motion under a central force, conservation of energy and momentum, dynamics of rigid body motion. Introduction to the mechanics of continua. Relativistic dynamics.
PHYS 102 or PHYS 121 or PHYS 130 and MATH 102
PHYS 302Classical Mechanics II
Review of conservation principles, oscillations in one dimension, damped forced oscillations, non-linear oscillations and introduction to classical perturbation theory. Oscillations in more than one dimension: coupled oscillations, normal modes and coordinates. Introduction to analytical mechanics. Lagrange and Hamilton’s equations, conservation principles. Small oscillations, selected applications. Canonical transformations.
PHYS 301 or CE 241 and MATH 201. (Waived for double major students upon consent of the instructor)
PHYS 305Computerized Data Collection and Analysis
Overview of a data acquisition and analysis system. Analog to digital converters. Range, unipolar and bipolar modes, multiplexing. Sample-and-hold circuits, single ended and differential inputs, computers. Software, data format and storage space, digital-to-analog converters. Sampling rates, low-pass filters, oversampling, aliasing. Maximum frequency present in a signal, digital-to-analog conversion. Transducers: Temperature, strain, force, acceleration, displacement, pressure. Isolation amplifiers, nonlinear sensors, linearization. Data manipulation: Data format; statistics; peak, through, and zero crossing detection. Data processing: Curve fitting, filters, spectral analysis, correlation, chaos.(3+0+0) 3
Consent of instructor
PHYS 306 Introduction to Metrology
Introduction and historical background. Metrology in practice: impact in modern life. Overview of the SI. Mass metrology: the kilogram. Derived units. Length: the meter. Units, symbols, dimensional analysis, Electrical units: ampère, volt, ohm. Cryogenic metrology. Uncertainties, traceability and accreditation. Temperature: kelvin, low temperatures. General terms and definitions in metrology. Time and frequency: second and hertz. Luminous intensity: candela. Chemical metrology: mole, ionizing radiation and acoustics. Metrology ın medicine. International structure and standardisation bodies. The new SI (3+0+0) 3
PHYS 102 or PHYS 121 or PHYS 130 and PHYS 201.
PHYS 310Applied Metrology
Metrology culture: Metrology and global trade, the four stages of the SI, types of metrology: primary, secondary and industrial metrology; maintenance of standards; calibration. Temperature Metrology: International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) and realisation of the kelvin; Contact Temperature measurements; thermoelectric effects. Electrical Metrology: International realisation of d.c. electrical quantities through fundamental constants of physics: the volt – Josephson junction and the Ohm – quantum Hall effect; electrical standards. Dimensional metrology: international realisation of the meter. Temporal metrology: The cesium clock; optical frequency standards; dimensional standards; artefacts (Gauge blocks, micrometers, Vernier callipers, ring gauges, dial gauges). Uncertainty calculations; uncertainty budgets; updating the international definitions : The kilogram (kg), ampere (A), mole (mol), and kelvin (K). (3+0+0) 3
Consent of Instructor
PHYS 311Modern Physics I
The aim of the course is to expose students to the basic idea of relativity, quantum physics and to the wide range of applications of these ideas. A survey of applications include the structure of atoms, molecules and nuclei, radioactivity and nuclear reactions, elementary particles, solid-state physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Emphasis on understanding physics of quantal phenomena and on order of magnitude estimates rather than formalism.
PHYS 202.
PHYS 312Modern Physics II
The aim of the course is to expose students to the basic idea of relativity, quantum physics and to the wide range of applications of these ideas. A survey of applications include the structure of atoms, molecules and nuclei, radioactivity and nuclear reactions, elementary particles, solid-state physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Emphasis on understanding physics of quantal phenomena and on order of magnitude estimates rather than formalism.
PHYS 202 for PHYS 311 and PHYS 311 for PHYS 312.
PHYS 325Math. Meth.of Phys.I
Infinite series, ordinary differential equations: solutions in closed form, power series solutions, special functions. Functions of a complex variable: calculus of residues, contour integration, contour integral representations of special functions. Linear vector spaces: vectors and matrices, the eigenvalue program. Abstract formulation of vector spaces: function spaces, expansions in orthogonal bases, The Dirac delta function, integral transforms.
MATH 202
PHYS 326 Math. Meth. of Phys II
Curvilinear coordinates and tensor analysis. Further applications of complex variables: conformal mapping asymptotic methods, steepest descent, stationary phase, WKB method. Partial differential equations: boundary value problems involving the Laplace, wave and diffusion equations. Introduction to groups and group representations.
PHYS 325.
PHYS 331Electronics for Physics I
A treatment of the fundamental concepts of electronic circuits and circuit components to provide an adequate understanding of electronic techniques used in modern instrumentation and experimental physics: diode and transistor characteristics, transistor biasing and thermal stabilization. Small and large signal low frequency transistor models transistor amplifier circuits, field-effect transistors. Integrated circuits-operational amplifiers, feedback amplifiers and oscillators. Impedance matching. Large signal amplifiers, rectifiers and filters. (One laboratory session every week)
EE 210 and PHYS 201.
PHYS 332Electronics for Physicists II
Continuation of PHYS 331 with emphasis on integrated circuits and the use of field-effect transistors in electronic circuit switching and digital methods: Linear and non-linear analog systems, combinational and sequential digital systems, metal-oxide semiconductor/large scale integrated (MOS/LSI) digital systems, digital to analog and analog to digital (D/A and A/D) systems.(2+1+2) 3
PHYS 331.
PHYS 337Introdution to Physical Methods in Medical Diagnosis
Fundamentals of X-rays, generation and detection of X-rays, X-ray diagnostic methods, fundamentals of acoustics, propogation, generation and detection of ultrasound, ultrasound diagnostic methods, fundamentals of radioactivity, generation and detection of nuclear emission, diagnostic methods using radiation detector probes, radiation dosimetry, biolaogical effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, principles of nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance imaging, review of other physical diagnostic procedures, biological effects of high magnetic fields.(2+1+2) 3
PHYS 202.
PHYS 339Biological Aspects of Radiation Interactions
This course is intended to provide a basic understanding of radiation and its interactions with biological materials. Types of radiation and energy deposition mechanisms will be discussed. A general understanding of processes leading to cellular damage due to radiation will be sought. Topics will include: * various effects of radiation on biological systems * basic mechanisms of cell survival * environmental sources of radiation * aspects of radiation protection Level: The course is suitable for advanced-level undergraduates. (3+0+0) 3
PHYS 345Classical Astronomy
Motion of the sun, moon, planets and stars as observed by the naked eye, celestial mapping and time-keeping; Kepler's laws of planetary motion planetary physics, stellar parallax and stellar aberration, the Doppler effect, variable stars, the measuement of stellar distances, the proper motion of stars, star clusters and galaxies; gaseous nebulae and planetary nebulae; the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and stellar evolution, red giants and white dwrarfs; novae and supernovae, pulsars and x-ray sources, neutron stars and black holes, the Big-Bang theory and the expanding universe. Cosmological questions.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 202 or consent of instructor.
PHYS 346Introduction to Astrophysics
Basics of astrophsical studies, positions of stars and their proper motions, distance determination to nearby stars; brightness calculations, angular radii of stars, spectral classification of stars, equations of stellar structure, physics of stellar interiors. (3+2+0) 3
PHYS 202 or consent of instructor.
PHYS 371 Modern Physics for Engineers
Basic concepts of quantum physics. Solutions of the Schrödinger equation in one dimension: particle in a box, finite squarewell, harmonic oscillator, periodic potentials, barrier penetration. Tunneling phenomena in metal and molecules. The hydrogen atom in wave mechanics. Many-electron atoms: optical excitations and X-ray line spectra. Molecular structure: bonding mechanisms, vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom. The ammonia maser, statistical physics: electron gas, photon gas. Lasers. The specific heat of crystalline solids. Brownian motion. Thermionic emission. Elementary solid state physics: Crystal lattices and phonons, metals, semiconductors and superconducts. The Josephson junction. (3+2+0) 3
PHYS 380Introduction to Electromagnetic Radiation
Review of Maxwell's equations, and derivation of their differential form. Importance of continuity equation and displacement current. Derivation of EM wave equation in vacuum, simple solutions and their basic properties, including Poynting's vector etc. Interaction of radiation with matter, physical basis of the index of refraction. Boundary conditions and simple discussion of reflection and refraction of EM waves from conductors and insulators.
PHYS 202.
PHYS 390 Computer Assisted Data Analysis in Physics
Review of program and data strucrures in a strucrured programming language. Processing large volumes of data with computers and collection of statistics. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Moment generating functions, Poisson and Bernoilli processes and hypothesis testing. Variance analysis. Least squares, maximum likely hood, and Bayes analysis. Error analysis and propagation. Monte Carlo simulation and its applications. Case studies, laboratory exercises, and projects on the computer, supporting topics covered in lectures. (2+1+2) 3
MATH 202 and computer literacy (PHYS 290 or CMPE 150 or consent of instructor).
PHYS 391Physical Electronics I
Electron ballistics and applications, electron emission (field, thermal and photoelectric.) Energy levels and energy bands. Conduction in metals and semiconductors. Electron statistics, Shottky barriers, p-n junctions and applications. Bipolar, field-effect and metal-oxide -semiconductor (MOS) transistors. Photoelectric devices. Negative resistance devices. (3+2+0) 3
PHYS 202 and MATH 201.
PHYS 392Physical Electronics II
Basic principles pertaining to the operation and characteristics of electron devices: Electron ballistics and applications, electron emission (field, thermal and photoelectric.) Energy levels and energy bands. Conduction in metals and semiconductors. Electron statistics, Shottky barriers, p-n junctions and applications. Bipolar, field-effect and metal-oxide -semiconductor (MOS) transistors. Photoelectric devices. Negative resistance devices.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 202 and MATH 201.
PHYS 401Electromagnetism I
Vector analysis, solution of electrostatic problems: Poissons’s and Laplace’s equations, method of images. Electrostatics in dielectric media, electrostatic energy. Electric current, magnetic field of steady current, electromagnetic induction, magnetic properties of matter, magnetic energy.
PHYS 325 and PHYS 202.
PHYS 402Electromagnetism II
Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, interaction of radiation with matter: the physical origin of the refractive index, Fresnel’s equations. Multipole expansions of the radiation field: electric dipole, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole radiation. Waveguides and cavity resonators. Theory of diffraction. Electrodynamics, special theory of relativity and transformations of the electric and magnetic fields.
PHYS 401 or consent of the instructor.
PHYS 407Advanced Quantum Physics I
Fundamental concepts of relativity and quantum physics and their applications to the structure of single and multielectron atoms. Introduction to mathematical foundations of quantum physics. Emphasis on understanding quintal phenomena and order of magnitude estimates. Cannot be taken for credit in addition to PHYS 311.
PHYS 202.
PHYS 408 Advanced Quantum Physics II
Continuation of PHYS 407 involving applications of relativity and quantum physics to molecules, nuclei, radioactivity and nuclear reactions elementary particles, condensed matter physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Cannot be taken for credit in addition to PHYS 312.
PHYS 407 or consent of the instructor.
PHYS 410 Quantum Mechanics I
Wave packets and uncertainity relations, the Schrodinger equation, one dimensional Potentials, the Schrodinger equation in three dimensions, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom, spin angular mimentum, the elementary treatment of addition of angular momenta, the structure of atoms and molecules, first order perturbation theory. (3+2+0) 3
PHYS 331.
PHYS 411 Quantum Mech. I
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics. Wave and matrix mechanics. The Schrödinger equation. Orbital angular momentum. Exactly soluble bound state problems. The independent perturbation theory and applications. Spin angular momentum. Addition of angular momenta, variational methods.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 325 and PHYS 311.
PHYS 412Quantum Mechanics II
Time dependent perturbation theory and applications. Scattering theory. Born approximation, partial waves, phase shifts and cross sections. Spin dependent scattering amplitudes. Introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 411 or consent of the instructor.
PHYS 421Statistical Mech. I
Review of thermodynamics. Microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles. Classical and quantum gases. Applications.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 422Statistical Mechanics and Introduction to Many Body Theory
Review and further study of the properties of quantum gases. Second quantization. Fluctuations and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Interacting Bose and Fermi systems. Superfluidity and super conductivity. Introduction to many body theory, Feynman and Goldstone diagrams. Selected applications in nuclear and solid-state physics. (3+2+0) 3
PHYS 442Experimental Phys. I
Experiments illustrative of basic experimental techniques in modern physics such as photoelectric effect, charge to mass ratio of the electron, scattering, Cavendish torsion balance, study of counting statistics, x-ray scattering, radioctivity, quantization of atomic energy levels. Furthermore, quick review of data analysis: statistics, probability distributions, least squares method, Chi-square test. (2+0+4) 4
PHYS 311 or PHYS 407
PHYS 443Experimental Phys. II
Continuation of Phys 442 Experimental Physics I. Hall effect in semiconductors, gamma-ray attenuation, laser applications, Na-doublet wavelength separation, Fabry-Perot interferometer, coherence length, diffraction of matter waves, Stefan Boltzman law and other modern physics experiments. A quick review of computers, programming, internet, vacuum techniques, particle accelerators, passage of radiation through matter and radiation safety. (2+0+4) 4
PHYS 442 or consent of the instructor.
PHYS 445Observational Astronomy
Principles of Applications of the telescope, prism spectrometer, grating spectrograph, Michelson-Morley, Fabry-Perot interferometers in astronomy and astrophysics.(3+0+0) 3
PHYS 345.
PHYS 446Computational Astronomy
Computational methods used in astronomy. Study of celestial charts and atlases, as well as the analysis of astronomical data, use of computer programs on these subjects.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 345.
PHYS 448History of Astronomy
History of astronomy from ancient times to the present day, astronomy in ancient Babylonia and Egypt, ancient Greek astronomy, the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus, the geocentric theory of Ptolemy, astronomy in Islam, the heliocentric theory of copernicus, the work of Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo and Huygens, Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation, measuremant of the velocity of light by Romer, Laplace's celestial mechanics, the beginning of astrophysics in the theories and observations of modern physics, the discoveries and theories of modern astronomy.(3+2+0) 3
PHYS 202 or consent of instructor.
PHYS 449Cosmic X-Ray Astronomy
Galactic and extra-galactic x-ray sources. Instrumentation, X-ray emission mechanisms, and the spectra of X-ray sources. (3+2+0) 3
PHYS 346.
PHYS 452Atomic and Molecular Physics
Hydrogen atom and its spectrum. Many electron atoms. Hartree theory, Thomas-Fermi theory. Electron correlations. Interaction of atoms with static electric and magnetic fields and with electromagnetic radiation. Hyperfine structure. Exotic atoms. Rydberg atoms. Structure of molecules. Molecular spectroscopy (3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 411.
PHYS 455Computational Physics
A broad overview of numerical methods for solving all major problems in physics, including linear and nonlinear equations: Newton’s method, least-square problems and modelling, polynomial and spline interpolations, numerical differentiations, the Runge-Kutta method, numerical quadrature, probability distributions and random number generations, and the Monte Carlo method. Application of these methods to problems such as body problems, semiclassical quantization of molecular vibration, and the Ising model. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor. (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 456Modern Optics
Maxwell's equations. Plane and spherical waves. Polarization. Crystal optics, propagation of light in anisotropic media. Optical activity. Interference. Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Fourier optics.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 311, PHYS 401 or PHYS 380.
PHYS 458Quantum Electronics
Generation, manipulation, propagation, and application of coherent radiation. Fundamental processes in lasers and masers. The basic theory of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with resonant atomic transitions. Laser oscillations, Raman effect, and non-linear optics. Light modulation, introduction to quantum noise theory.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
Consent of the instructor.
PHYS 462Solid State Physics
Crystal structure, electron gas, band theory, electronic conductivity, semiconductors, superconductivity, magnetic properties of matter. (3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
Consent of the instructor.
PHYS 466Nuclear Physics
Nuclear structure: liquid drop model, simple shell model, rotational and vibrational nuclei. Natural and artificial radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Nuclear reactions and cross-sections. Optical model, compound nucleus reactions, direct reactions. Heavy ion reactions. Fission.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 411 or PHYS 312.
PHYS 472Elementary Particle Physics
Classification of elementary particles. Particle scattering and decay. Conservation principles. Particle interactions and resonances. Parity and CP violation, quark model, unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 411
PHYS 480-490, 493-499 Selected Topics in Physics I, II
Study of selected topics in physics not covered in other courses at undergraduate level. (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 491, 492Introduction to Research in Physics I, II
Literature search for a specified research topic, preferably involving the study of relevant articles in international research journals. Attempt to make an independent experimental or theoretical contribution to the topics.(3+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
PHYS 500Readings in Physics
Supervised reading and library work. Choice of material according to individual needs. Both written and oral presentations are required (1+0+0) 1 ECTS 3
PHYS 501Classical Dynamics
Principles of mechanics. Hamilton’s principle and Lagrange’s equations, conservation laws. The principle of least action. Lagrangian formalism: Central forces, rigid body motion, small oscillations. The Hamilton’s equation of motion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations for continuous media. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 511Electromagnetic Theory I
Electrostatics and magnetostatics. Time-dependent fields and Maxwell’s equations. Multipole expansion of the radiation field. The interaction of radiation with matter. Interference and diffraction. Wave guides and cavities. Electromagnetism and relativity. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 512Electromagnetic Theory II
Further elaboration on some of the topics covered in PHYS 511. Dynamics of charged particles in external electromagnetic fields. Radiation by moving charges, Lienard-Wiechert potentials. Scattering of electromagnetic waves. Cherenkov radiation, Bremsstrahlung. Vector multipole fields. Electromagnetic fluctuations. Radiation damping. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 521Mathematical Methods of Physics I
Functions of a real variable. Functions of a complex variable. Matrix algebra. Differential equations on the real axis. Linear vector spaces.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 522Mathematical Methods of Physics II
(4+1+0) 4
Differential equations on the complex plane. Calculus of variations. Differential operators in curvilinear coordinates. Partial differential equations. Group theory. Spectrum generating algebras and Sturm-Liouville systems.
PHYS 525 Introduction to General Relativity
Kinematics, dynamics, and four-dimensional formulation of special relativity. The equivalence principle, introduction to classical differential geometry. Einstein’s equations and simple applications. Introduction to Big Bang cosmology and Inflation theories. White dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 531 Quantum Mech. I
Postulates. Harmonic oscillator. Hydrogen atom. Symmetries. Angular momentum. Spin. Addition of angular momentum. Identical particles.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 532 Quantum Mech. II
Bound state problems. Approximation methods. Time dependent and independent perturbation theories. Scattering theory. Applications. Introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics and path integrals. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 541Statistical Mech. I
Laws of thermodynamics and their applications. Classical kinetic theory and the Boltzmann equation. Microcanonical, canonical and grandcanonical partition functions. Ideal quantum gases. Various applications in solid-state, nuclear and astrophysics.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 542 Statistical Mechanics II
Cluster expansion for non-ideal classical and quantum gases, virial coefficients, phase transitions, magnetism. Ising model in two dimensions. Introduction to critical phenomena. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 546 Polymers
Polymer properties in terms of molecular structures. Molecular weight and configurations of macromolecules. Statistical thermodynamics of long-chain molecules. Elastic and viscoelastic deformation. Electrical and optical properties of polymers (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 551 Experimental Physics I
Laboratory experiments fundamental to the development of modern physics. Design and construction of experimental setups and data collection instruments.(2+0+4) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 552 Experimental Physics II
Design and construction of experimental setups and data collection instruments.(2+0+4) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 553 Scientific Computation on The Unix Workstation
Historical survey of workstations, Unix and Linux. Setting up a Linux.Workstation. Unix fundamentals. Graphics and Visualization. GPL’d scientific applications in Linux including the TeX/LaTeX system, the GNU compiler suite, linear algebra and matrix tools, statistical packages, symbolic programming tools. Use of program libraries. Techniques for power users. Supercomputer clusters, vector and parallel computing/using GPU. (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 554 Numerical and Symbolic Computation
Typical numerical and symbolic programming systems. Use of techniques such as special function evaluation, integration, root finding, solution of linear systems, the eigenvalue problem, variational and finite element techniques, Monte Carlo methods in the framework of actual problems such as nonlinear oscillations, scattering, Fourier and spectral analysis, nonlinear data fitting, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Sturm-Liouville systems, integration of partial differential equations (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 555 Numerical Methods in Chaotic Systems
Steady state behavior of dynamical systems. Poincare maps, stability and Liapunov exponents, limit sets, stable and unstable manifolds, phase portraits, construction of bifurcation diagrams. Fractals, dimensions and their determination, the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture, the embedding theorem, attractor reconstruction methods. Weakly deterministic systems and noise reduction (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 556 Simulation of Physical Phenomena
Role of computer simulation in physics with emphasis on methodologies, data and error analysis, approximations, and potential pitfalls. Monte Carlo simulations, molecular dynamics, and first-principles calculations for materials.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 561 Many-Body Theory I
Creation and annihilation operators, Fock space description of the many body problems. Electrons and phonons, spin-waves, basic Green’s functions, linear response theory, quasi-particle concept. Hatree-Fock approximation, collective excitations, BCS theory, Bogoliubov’s theory of BEC, Hubbard model.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 562 Many-Body Theory II
Path Integral approach to many body problems. Perturbation theory and diagrammatic analysis of Green’s functions. Applications of perturbation theory to various problems. Finite temperature Green’s functions.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 571 X-Ray Astronomy
Description of instruments used in detecting X-ray emission in various wavelengths. Methods of data analysis. Production mechanisms of X-ray emission. Galactic and extra-galactic X-ray sources and systems. X-ray binaries. Background radiation.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 572 High Energy Astrophysics
Compact objects as X-ray and gamma-ray sources: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes, cataclysmic variables, novae, low mass and high mass x-ray binaries, various types of isolated neutron stars, low mass and high mass stellar evolution, radiation mechanisms. Supernova remnants: formation, physical processes and evolution, connection between supernova remnants and neutron stars.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 579Graduate Seminar
Saminars offered by faculty, guest speakers, and/or graduate students designed to widen students’ perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
PHYS 580-599PHYS 58A-59Z Special Topics in Physics
Study of special topics not covered in other courses at the master's level (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 601, 602 Graduate Seminar in Physics I,II
Study of selected advanced topics under the supervision of one or more faculty members. Both written and oral presentations are required. (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 10
PHYS 611 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics I
Special relativity and four vectors. Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, and their solutions. Hole theory, interactions and relativistic perturbation theory.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 612 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics II
Symmetry properties. Second quantization. Quantum theory of electromagnetic field. Introduction to quantum electrodynamics. Applications involving electromagnetic and weak interactions.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 623 Group Theory
Basics of group theory. Finite groups and their unitary representations. Applications to linear perturbation theory and spin systems. Lie groups and algebras. Representations of so(3), angular momentum and Clebsh-Gordan coefficients. Projective representations and spin. Classification of semi-simple Lie groups. Applications in particle physics. Representations of the Poincare group.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 625 General Relativity and Gravitation I
Special relativity. Foundations of general relativity. Einstein-Hilbert variational principle. Hamiltonian formalism for Einstein field equations. Gravitational collapse. Gravitational radiation.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 626 General Relativity and Gravitation II
Modern diferansiyel geometri, nedensel yapı. Göreli yıldızlar, karadelikler, tekillik ve tekillik teoremleri. Eğri uzaylar üzerinde alanlar, kuantum etkileri, Hawking radyasyonu. Kozmoloji.(4+1+0) 4 AKTS 10
PHYS 628 Geometric Approach to Mechanics
Fundamental concepts in differential geometry: manifolds, vector fields, tensors and forms, exterior derivative and Lie derivative. Symplectic manifolds and Hamiltonian mechanics. Lie groups and group actions on manifolds. Coadjoint orbits as examples of symplectic manifolds. Momentum map construction. Poisson manifolds. Some applications to integrable systems (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 631 Atomic and Molecular Physics I
One-electron and many-electron atoms. Mean field and electron correlations. The Periodic System. Atoms in a magnetic field. Atoms in an electric field. General laws of optical transitions: Symmetries and selection rules. Theory of spectroscopy. The Laser.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 632 Atomic and Molecular Physics II
Theory of chemical bonding. Molecular structure. Molecules in electric and magnetic fields. Symmetry and symmetry operations. Electronic, vibrational and rotational spectra. Techniques of molecular spectroscopy. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Properties of macromolecules.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 641 Advanced Solid State Physics I
The Drude and Sommerfeld theory of metals, crystal lattices, nearly-free electron model, methods for calculating band structure, the semiclassical model of electron dynamics and conduction in metals, measuring the Fermi surface, surface effects, cohesive energy and failures of the static lattice model.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 642 Advanced Solid State Physics II
Classical theory of the harmonic crystal, quantum theory of the harmonic crystal, measuring phonon dispersion relations, anharmonic effects in crystals, phonons in metals. Dielectric properties of insulators, semiconductors, magnetic properties of solids, superconductivity.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 645 Quantum Optics I
Planck’s radiation law and Einsten’s A and B coefficients. Quantum mechanics of the atom-radiation interaction. Classical theory of optical fluctuations and coherence. Quantization of the radiation field. Single-mode quantum optics. Multimode and continuous-mode quantum optics.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 646 Quantum Optics II
Optical generation, attenuation and amplification. Resonance fluorescence and light scattering. Nonlinear quantum optics. Quantum cryptography. Quantum computing. Entangled states and quantum teleportation.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 648 Integrated and Fiber Optics
Propagation of waves in dielectric thin films. Cylindrical waveguides. Bit limitation rate due to material dispersion. Multi-moding. Step index and graded index fibers. Switching and modulation by integrated optics techniques.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 651 Nuclear Physics I
Advanced study of experiment and theory of nuclear structure. SU(N) symmetries and the Standard Model. Quark model of hadrons. Baryon-baryon interaction. Weak Interactions in Nuclei. Nuclear Reactions, relativistic heavy ion collisions, optical model, meson-nucleus reactions. Mean field models. Nuclei far from stability, nuclear astrophysics, big-bang and stellar nucleosynthesis.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 652 Nuclear Physics II
Electromagnetic interactions with nuclei, electron-electron scattering, electromagnetic response functions, polarization observables. Nucleon momentum distributions, scaling. Parity-violating electron scattering. Semi-leptonic weak interactions with nuclei; charge-changing properties, weak neutral currents, neutrino scattering. Frontiers and future facilities.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 653 Advanced Topics in Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Chromodynamics, introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), structure of nucleons, lattice QCD, phases of hadronic matter and relativistic heavy ion collisions, medium-energy physics, nuclear and nucleon structure, and dynamics studied with medium- and high-energy probes (neutrinos, photons, electrons, nucleons, pions, and kaons). Studies of weak and strong interactions.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 655, 656 High-Energy Nuclear Physics I, II
Studies of nuclear structure using high-energy probes. Elastic and inelastic scattering of high energy electrons, nucleons, mesons, photo-disintegration. Isobars and nuclear structure. Distribution of charge, matter and magnetization in nuclei. Mesonic atoms. Presentations of topics of current interest. (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 661 Particle Physics I
Phenomenology of particle properties and interactions; Experimental results. Conservation laws. Accelerators, particle detectors and techniques. Strong interactions, quark model predictions. Quantum Electrodynamics and Feynman diagrams.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 662 Particle Physics II
Weak interactions, V-A theory, non-conservation of parity. Gauge field theories. Weinberg-Salam theory of electroweak interactions. The standard model of weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 665 Field Theory I
Classical field theory. Canonical quantization. Dirac field. Interacting fields, perturbation theory. S-matrix and the LSZ formalism. Feynman graphs. Elementary processes. Radiative corrections. Regularization. Renormalization.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 666Field Theory II
Functional methods, non-perturbative properties. Effective action. Renormalization group. Symmetries. Ward identities. Constrained systems. Non-abelian gauge theories. Spontaneous symmetry breaking.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 675 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
Ideas and current techniques in physics related to the study of critical phenomena in statistical mechanics and field theory. Landau theory of phase transitions, critical indices, scaling and universality, renormalization group, duality transformations, lattice gauge theory.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 679 Graduate Seminar
Study of selected topics of interest in physics through seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students. (0+1+0) 0 ECTS 6
PHYS 681 Directed Studies I
Study of selected advanced topics under the supervision of one or more faculty members.(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 682 Directed Studies II
Study of selected advanced topics under the supervision of one or more faculty members. (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 683-689, 691-698PHYS 68A-69Z Special Topics in Physics
Special topics not covered in other courses at PhD level (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 690Master Thesis in Physics
Design and completion of a research project on a topic of student’s special interest under the supervision of a thesis advisor.
PHYS 699 Guided Research
Guidance of doctoral students towards preparation and presentation of a research proposal in physics.(2+0+4) 4 ECTS 10
PHYS 790 PhD Thesis in Physics
(Doktora Tezi) Design and completion of a research project on a topic of student’s special interest under the supervision of a dissertation advisor.