Dissertations and Theses

Name Thesis name Year Degree Supervisor
DEFNE YILMAZ Modeling of drug delivery by modifying tumor microenvironment 2023 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
CANBERK ŞANLI On BPS dyons in N=2 supersymmetric theories 2023 PhD ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
CİHAN PAZARBAŞI Perturbative and non-perturbative physics from singularities 2022 PhD ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
ESAT ERDEM EYGİ The inverse scattering method of general relativity 2022 Master's ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
MEDİNE İLDEŞ Analytic solutions of scalar field cosmology with minimal and nonminimal coupling and deformed discrete and finite quantum systems 2022 Doktora PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
TAYLAN TATLI HGCAL link and IBERT studies of CMS HGCAL back end electronics 2022 Master's ASST. PROF. BORA AKGÜN
SEVİM AÇIKSÖZ A permanent-magnet microwave discharge ion source at KAHVELab 2022 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
TOLGA GÜRCAN Total internal reflection holographic microscopy for cell extension imaging 2022 Master's PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
TUNA PESEN İNANÇ Probing mechanical and chemical properties of biologicalmaterials by multiple modalities 2022 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ULAŞ ARAS 3+1 formulation in newton-cartan gravity 2022 Master's ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
CEMAL İLKİN GÖKSAL Electrical detection of spin-orbit torque in antiferromagnets 2022 Master's PROF. ÖZHAN ÖZATAY
ZAİNAB NAZAR Topics on string cosmology, and supergravity 2022 PhD PROF. DİETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
Name Surname The role of trigger waves in cancer angiogenesis 2022 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
BİRSES DEBİR Refined geometric transition and local P2 2022 Master's ASST. PROF. CAN KOZÇAZ
BİLAL ÇARK Numerical modeling, design, and time-frequency metrology applications of low-noise optical frequency combs 2022 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
CAN POLAT Noise robust real-time focus detection with deep learning for ultra-fast laser micromachining 2022 Master's ASST. PROF. PARVIZ ELAHI
SAİME GÜRBÜZ Construction and calibration of gaseous detectors at Kahvelab and Cern Atlas experiment 2021 PhD PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
BORA ÖRGEN A search for vector-like leptons in atlas run 2 data 2021 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
YUSUF CAN ÇEKMECELİOĞLU Calibration of cms luminometers using van der meer and emittance scans 2021 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
NEBİYE MERVE UZUN Some new cosmological applications of the energy-momentum squared gravity 2021 PhD PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
EMRE BURAK YILDIZCI Simulations and design of a prototype resistive plate chamber 2021 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
KAAN ÖZBOZDUMAN In search of the axion particle with RF cavities in CAST experiment at CERN 2021 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
AHLAM AHMAD MOHAMMAD FARHAN Dense molecular gas tracers in water megamaser galaxies 2021 PhD PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
SEMA GÜVENÇ KILIÇ Measurements of heat, strain, and refractive index with multicore optical fibers 2020 PhD PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
ŞERİFE ZÜLEYHA YELKEN The ultrasonic properties of colon cancer tissue 2020 Master's ASST. PROF. HAKAN ERKOL
EFE HAMAMCI Simulation of upgraded atlas RPC detector: BIS7 2020 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
MELİTA PARLAK Aspects of nonrelativistic strong gravity 2020 Master's ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
İREM DEMİRKAN Tissue imaging with scanning acoustic microscopy and raman spectroscopy 2020 Master's PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
HAVVA HASRET NUR Mechanical characterization of cells and tissues by scanning acoustic microscopy and optical tweezers 2020 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
MOHAMED GHONEIM AGT and elliptic higgsed networks 2020 Master's ASST. PROF. CAN KOZÇAZ
BELKIS GÖKBULUT Light‒matter interaction in photonic cavities 2020 PhD PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
GİZEM ALPAKUT Glass welding using custom developed femtosecond fiber laser for microfluidic device development 2020 Master's PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ÜMMÜ SELEME NİZAM Klein tunnelling in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 organic compound 2019 Master's PROF. TONGUÇ RADOR
EKREM YARTAŞI Fibre optic wedge type cavity random laser 2019 PhD PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
SİNANCAN KARA XMM-Newton observations of toothbrush cluster of galaxies 2019 Master's PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
SALİM OĞUR Linac and damping ring designs of the future circular e+e−collider of cern 2019 PhD PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
AYŞEGÜL TÜMER A study of non-cool core galaxy clusters and the feedback from their central active galactic nuclei 2019 PhD PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
ZAYNAB SHAHADAD YILDIZCI Design and construction of a prototype resistive plate chamber 2019 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
MERT ERGEN On The Large c Expansion of General Relativity 2019 Master's ASST. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
EBRU ŞİMŞEK Design and construction of 1 MeV cyclotron 2019 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
ABDULLAH KEREM KURŞUN A compilation of dualities between 4D N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories and 2D conformal field theories 2019 Master's ASST. PROF. CAN KOZÇAZ
İZZEDDİN SUAT DÖNERTAŞ Tests of the front-end electronics for the Phase-i upgrade of the CMS-HB calorimeter 2019 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
VEDAT KARAKAŞ Spin orientations and spin-orbit torque in magnetic nanostructures 2019 PhD PROF. ÖZHAN ÖZATAY
MEHMET AKİF FEYİZOĞLU On cosmological supernova observations and alternative gravity theories 2019 Master's PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
DELARAM MIRFENDERESKI Scaling solutions of N=2 supergravity and holography 2019 PhD ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
ELİF TÜRKAN AKŞİT KAYA Near infrared laser beam and silicon wafer interactions 2019 Master's PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
ALİCAN KARTAL Changes in the extreme climatological events in the MENA region 2019 Master's PROF. MEHMET LEVENT KURNAZ
EMİNE ŞEYMA KUTLUK Adiabatic solutions in general relativity and boundary symmetries 2019 PhD ASSOC. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
İREM ZÖĞ Radiation damage monitoring in Hadron Forward Calorimetry 2019 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
GÖKHAN YALNIZ An attractive ϕ-4 theory in light-front coordinates 2019 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
İSRA MERVE ÇETİN 3D optical profilometry with a double beam-splitter setup 2019 Master's PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
BERARE GÖKTÜRK Search for heavy FCNC quarks at 13 TeV pp collisions at the LHC 2018 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
FURKAN SEMİH DÜNDAR Quantum phenomena and shape dynamics 2018 PhD ASSOC. PROF. LEVENT AKANT
EYLEM KOCATÜRK Assessing a virtual reality display system for teleradiology purposes using the receiver operating curve methodology 2018 Master's PROF. MEHMET LEVENT KURNAZ
MELTEM ÜNEL Relativistic Lee Model on 2+1 Dimensional Riemannian Manifolds 2018 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
EZGİ ERGENLİK Design simulation and construction of particle and accelerator detectors 2018 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
ŞİRİN YONUCU Physical modeling of drug transport in cancer 2018 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ŞELALE ŞAHİN Maximally symmetric cosmologies 2018 Master's ASST. PROF. CAN KOZÇAZ
CEYDA ŞİMŞEK Symmetries global, local and asymptotic, applications of noether and covariant phase space methods 2017 Master's ASST. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
İBRAHİM ÇİNAR Dynamic properties of phase change in Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) based nano memory cells & magnetic bubbles in thin film perpendicular anisotropy nanomagnets 2017 PhD ASSOC. PROF. ÖZHAN ÖZATAY
ESRA AYTAÇ KİPERGİL A hybrid optical tweezers and photoacoustic microscopy system 2017 PhD PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ERKAM BODUR On the radial monotonicity of the ensemble average propagator 2017 Master's PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ZEHRA İSTEMİHAN Design, simulation and construction of a wire chamber 2017 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
GÜLŞEN KÖSOĞLU 3D optical profilometry using fiber optics Lloyd's mirror method 2017 PhD PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
KADİR ŞİMŞEK Diffusion-attenuated mr signal for particles subject to forces or in disordered media 2017 Master's PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ARİF BAYİRLİ Chameleon search in cast experiment at cern 2017 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
ÖNDER DÜNYA Gravitational wave solutions to linearized Jordan Brans Dicke theory on a cosmological background 2017 Master's ASSOC. PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
ARDA İNANÇ 3-d optical profilometry at micron scale with modified fiber 2017 Master's PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
CEMİLE EZER Chemical enrichment history and gas mass fraction of the galaxy cluster Abell 3112 2017 PhD PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
BELKIS GÖKBULUT An interferometric vibration sensor based on a four-core optical fiber 2016 Master's PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
ALİ KAZIM ÇAMLIBEL On the history of expansion and matter-energy content of the universe 2016 PhD ASSOC. PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
MEHMET CAN YAVUZ Analyses of literary texts by using statistical inference methods 2016 Master's PROF. MUHİTTİN MUNGAN
OHANNES KAMER KÖSEYAN Phase 1 upgrade of the hadronic forward calorimeter - Testing the frontend daq electronics cards 2016 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
ÖZLEM SELÇUK Narrow escape time in biology 2016 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
MEDİNE TUNA PESEN Geodesics of the schwarzschild black hole 2016 Master's ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
HACI AKBAŞ Born-oppenheimer approximation for some singular systems 2016 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
SERHAT KAYA Active brownian particles propelled by sound 2016 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
EMRE ÇELEBİ Gas composition studies at the 2015 Atlas TRT test beam 2016 Master's PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
YORGO ŞENİKOĞLU Black holes in an expanding universe 2016 PhD PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
NİMET TÜLÜMEN Kinetic theory in k=0 Friedmann-Walker-Robertson cosmology 2016 Master's ASST. PROF. LEVENT AKANT
EMİNE ERTUĞRUL Boundary effects on bose-einstein condensation in ultra-static space-times 2016 PhD ASST. PROF. LEVENT AKANT
CİHAN PAZARBAŞI Instanton methods and the Dyon atom 2015 Master's ASST. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
HAKAN KARAOĞUZ Autonomous multi-robot topological spatial cognition 2015 PhD PROF. HURİYE IŞIL BOZMA AYDIN
VELİ YILDIZ Cern Linac4 beam dynamics studies and commissioning up to 12 MeV 2015 PhD ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
MERVE ŞAHİNSOY Searching for SM-like heavy new quarks at the LHC 2015 Master's ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
BİRSES DEBİR Non-relativistic Bose gas in curved background 2015 Master's YRD. ASSOC. PROF. LEVENT AKANT
MUHAMMET MEMİÇ Models for magnetic resonance observation of diffusion in cellular environments 2015 Master's ASST. PROF. EVREN ÖZARSLAN
MEHMET KAVUK Modified theories of gravity via alternative couplings and their cosmological analyses 2015 PhD PROF. TONGUÇ RADOR
SALİM OĞUR Emittance measurements for low energy proton beams 2015 Master's ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
MERT TUZER Ultrasound simulations using computed tomography images as priors 2015 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ALPEREN YÜNCÜ Analaysis of J/Ψ → ω π0 π0 at BESIII 2015 Master's ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
SENA PEKKENDİR The entrance of modern optics to Ottoman science 2015 Master's PROF. MEHMET LEVENT KURNAZ
SEMA SEYMEN Aspects of finite size effects on Bose Einstein condensation 2015 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
SERHAT IŞTIN Search for pair produced heavy quarks decaying into a Z boson and a light generation jet 2015 PhD ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
DEFNE YILMAZ Acoustic radiation enhanced drug delivery 2015 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ABDURRAHMAN ERCİYAS Introduction to open quantum systems 2015 Master's ASST. PROF. LEVENT AKANT
ENGİN EREN Study of J/psi->phi K_s K_s in BESIII experiment 2015 Master's ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
MERVE TARMAN ALGAN On the cosmological impact of a quantized scalar field 2015 PhD PROF. ALİ KAYA
EKREM YARTAŞI Fluorescent dynamics of bodipy molecules on ito thin film 2014 Master's PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
MUHAMMED HASAN KILINÇ Dynamic properties of soft magnetic materials in the shape of thin films and ribbons 2014 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
ZÜRBİYE ÇAPKU Aspects of supersymmetric mechanics 2014 Master's ASST. PROF. DIETER VAN DEN BLEEKEN
SEMA GÜVENÇ Structural characterization of NiMnX (X:In,Sn) thin film alloys 2014 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
FIRAT DİKER Fusion of w states using optical quantum gates 2014 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
EBRU DOĞAN Finite size effects on the bose-einstein condensation 2014 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
KORAY DÜZTAŞ Black holes and cosmic censorship 2014 PhD ASSOC. PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
TUĞBA ÖZTÜRK Improving physical parameterization for warm bias of RegCM4.0 on arctic and sub-arctic (Mid, Mid-east and Northeast) Asia regions 2014 PhD PROF. MEHMET LEVENT KURNAZ
YEMLİHA BİLAL KALYONCU Spin-based three dimensional memory 2014 Master's ASSOC. PROF. ÖZHAN ÖZATAY
İSMET SIRAL Search for E6 iso-singlet quarks in atlas, through the H j Z j decay channel 2014 Master's ASSOC. PROF. VEYSİ ERKCAN ÖZCAN
SÜLEYMAN CENK YILDIZ Search for axions with micromegas detectors in the cern cast experiment 2013 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
GİZEM ŞENGÖR From five dimensional flat spacetime to our four dimensional braneworld via kaluza-klein 2013 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
DENİZ ÖZTÜRK Physical modeling of drug delivery in solid tumors 2013 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
NEBİYE MERVE UZUN On static spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein's equations with two perfect fluids as source 2013 Master's ASSOC. PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
EROL ERTAN Cross sections for neutron-deuteron elastic scattering in the energy range 135-250 MeV 2013 PhD ASSOC. PROF. TAYLAN AKDOĞAN
MERT BEŞKEN Intersections of S-branes with waves and monopoles 2013 Master's PROF. ALİ KAYA
YAVUZ ÖZ Comparison of the multi-anode PMTs with the old HF PMTs by studying the collision data 2013 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
FERZAN TAPRAMAZ Bose-Einstein condensation on a riemannian manifold with nonnegative ricci curvature 2013 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
MUSTAFA MERT TERZİ Hysteretic behaviour of a simple Charge Density Wave system 2013 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MUHİTTİN MUNGAN
AYŞE NİHAN KATIRCI Effects of different types of fields to cosmology and of extra dimension to fcnc hadronic processes of the sm 2013 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
CEM ERÖNCEL Exact renormalization group on point interactions 2013 Master's PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
NASİRE ULUÇ Physics of diffuse optical imaging 2012 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ESRA AYTAÇ KİPERGİL Development of a Photoacoustic Microscopy System 2012 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
ŞİRİN YONUCU Mathematical modeling of MMPs in cancer 2012 Master's ASSOC. PROF. MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ
MUSTAFA BOZKURT Fermi-LAT and Chandra studies of shell-like supernova remnants 2012 Master's PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
SAİME SARIKAYA A new tracking algorithm for atlas trigger 2012 Master's ASSOC. PROF. ERKCAN ÖZCAN
UFUK KILIC Macrospin model of magnetization dynamics governed by Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation of motion 2012 Master's ASSOC. PROF. ÖZHAN ÖZATAY
OGAN ÖZSOY Cosmological perturbations in string gas cosmology 2011 Master's PROF. ALİ KAYA
VELİ YILDIZ Radio frequency energy recovery for particle accelerators 2011 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
BORA IŞILDAK Measurement of the differential dijet production cross section in proton-proton collisions at ?s= 7 TeV 2011 PhD PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
SABRİYE AÇIKGÖZ Fluorescence dynamics of dye-dye and dye-nanostructures interactions 2011 PhD PROF. MEHMET NACİ İNCİ
SİNA TÜRELİ Geometric formulation of mechanics and symmetries 2011 Master's ASST. PROF. LEVENT AKANT
ELİF DEMİRBAŞ Laser assisted growth of silicon nano-structures 2010 Master's PROF. NACİ İNCİ
EMİNE ERTUĞRUL Measurement of physical and optical properties of thin films with an ellipsometric technique 2010 Master's PROF. NACİ İNCİ
DELALCAN KILIÇ Deforming SO(4,2) generators 2010 Master's PROF. HALUK BEKER
FATİH ERMAN Heat kernel methods in many body problems 2010 PhD PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
MEHMET DELİÖMEROĞLU A study on susy search strategies in the CMS, HPD noise spectrum and electron reconstruction efficiency 2010 PhD PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
VELİ UĞUR GÜNEY Triggerless particle identification systems using FPGA 2010 Master's ASSOC. PROF. TAYLAN AKDOĞAN
SOYDANER ÜLKER Ionization energies of small atoms by momentum space electrostatics 2010 Master's PROF. HALUK BEKER
MELİH ÖZBEK A study on the stability of the led gain monitoring system for the CMS-HF PMTs during 2009 2010 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
YÜCEL ALTUNDAL Fluorescence lifetime images of dye molecules 2009 Master's PROF. M. NACİ İNCİ
KAAN ATAK Chaoticity analysis of the current through pure, hydrogenated and hydrophobically modified PEG-Si thin films under varying relative humidity 2009 PhD PROF. AVADİS HACINLIYAN
HAKAN ERKOL Exactly solvable potentials with Dirac delta point interactions 2009 PhD PROF. ERSAN DEMİRALP
ECE KİLERCİ The relations between the X-ray spectral parameters of gamma-ray bursts 2009 Master's PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
SELİN MANUKYAN Mechanically exfoliated single and multilayer graphene sheets and graphene field effect transistor 2009 Master's PROF. AHMET ORAL
NESLİHAN BECERİCİ SCHMİDT Improvement of calorimeter-based muon identification and its application to H -> ZZ* -> 4l analysis in the ATLAS experiment 2009 Master's ASSOC. PROF. SERKANT ALİ ÇETİN
BURCU BEYGU Dynamical structure analysis of five binary galaxy clusters observed with XMM-newton X-ray observatory 2009 Master's PROF. E. NİHAL ERCAN
AZMİ ALİ ALTINTAŞ General unitary quantum groups and generalized fermion algebras 2009 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
FULYA HALICILAR The braided algebra and its Jordan-Schwinger construction in terms of q-deformed fermionic oscillators 2009 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
AYŞE ARSLANARGIN Aspects of string thermodynamics 2009 Master's ASSOC. PROF. ALİ KAYA
ALİ KAZIM ÇAMLIBEL Dark energy problem and possible solutions 2009 Master's ASST. PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
ARDA HALU A study of anomalous events in CMS-HF PMTs 2009 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
UMUT DENİZ ÖZUĞUREL Solar axion production and detection mechanisms 2009 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
ASLI ÇAKIR SAYGILI Coherence and wavelength effects on the growth mechanism of porous silicon nano-structures 2009 Master's PROF. M. NACİ İNCİ
CEM EROL Prime statistics in particle algebras 2009 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
BURAK TEVFİK KAYNAK Nonperturbative aspects of quantum field theories 2009 PhD PROF. OSMAN TEOMAN TURGUT
HAMZA ALTINSOY Correlation analysis of housing prices and economic indicators0 2008 Master's PROF. LEVENT KURNAZ
ORHAN ÖZGÜR AYBAR Possible chaoticity in condensed matter system 2008 Master's PROF. AVADİS SİMON HACINLIYAN
SÜLEYMAN CENK YILDIZ Unitary matrix Hopf algebras and theta deformed fermion algebra 2008 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
SIRMA BAŞAK YANARDAĞ Detection of optical frequencies of metal-oxide-metal junctions 2008 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
TUĞBA ÖZTÜRK GÖKGÖL The application of the modified form of Båth's law to the fault zones in Turkey 2008 Master's PROF. LEVENT KURNAZ
FATMA NUR TÜRKMEN Uncertainty and certainty relations for the q-oscillator 2008 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
AYŞE NİHAN İMREM Modeling of multi lane highway traffic and analysis of jam formation 2008 Master's PROF. MEHMET LEVENT KURNAZ
SERHAT IŞTIN Performance of transition radiation tracker at CERN-ATLAS experiment 2008 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
FULYA ÇİFTER Can hyperbolic phase of Brans-Dicke field account for dark matter and dark energy? 2008 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
İBRAHİM SARPKAYA Purcell effect in polymer films 2008 Master's PROF. M. NACİ İNCİ
AYDIN ŞANLI Plastic optical fibers as gas sensors 2008 Master's PROF. NACİ INCİ
BÜKEM BİLEN Effects of gases on optical properties of polyethylene glycol 2007 PhD PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
SABRİYE AÇIKGÖZ Plastic fiber optic humidity and gas sensor 2007 Master's PROF. NACİ İNCİ
CEM YOLCU Ground state properties of Frenkel-Kontorova models with scalloped potentials 2007 Master's ASST. PROF. MUHİTTİN MUNGAN
EROL ERTAN On local inflation and cosmological perturbations 2007 Master's ASSOC. PROF. ALİ KAYA
ARZU ANKAY XMM-newton data analysis of isolated radio-quiet neutron stars 1E 1207.4-5209, RX J0002+6246, RX J0822-4300, CXOU J185238.6+004020 2007 Master's PROF. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
MEDİNE İLDEŞ Normal form approach to some chaotic sprott systems 2006 Master's ASST. PROF. MUHİTTİN MUNGAN
EVREN BAYRAKTAR Terrain induced wind profiles 2006 Master's PROF. LEVENT KURNAZ
SERKAN ŞAHİN Possible evolutions of isolated neutron stars 2006 Master's ASST. PROF. AŞKIN ANKAY
TUBA ALTINDAL Machine learning algorithms in classification and diagnostic prediction of cancers using gene expression profiling 2006 Master's PROF. MEHMET LEVENT KURNAZ
MEHMET ÇALIK Primordial and late time inflation in brans dicke cosmology 2006 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
ÖZGÜR DELİCE Cylindrically symmetric spacetimes with pure radiation 2006 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
HUNTER KİNG Cellular automata modelling of multilane highway traffic 2006 Master's PROF. LEVENT KURNAZ
KORAY DÜZTAŞ Path integrals in non-relativistic quantum mechanics 2006 Master's ASST. PROF. İBRAHİM SEMİZ
ÖZGEN BERKOL DOĞAN Searching for solar axions in CAST - CERN axion solar telescope 2006 Master's PROF. ENGİN ARIK
VEYSİ DEMİR Nonlinear oscillations of proteins 2006 Master's PROF. TEOMAN TURGUT
PEKER MİLAS Generation of 2D and 3D quasicrystalline structures using the projection method 2006 Master's ASST. PROF. MUHİTTİN MUNGAN
ARZU ÇOLAK Photoacoustic spectroscopy 2006 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
ULAŞ KEMAL AYAZ Electro-optic characterization of a silicon microsphere 2006 Master's PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
A. SAVAŞ ARAPOĞLU A ramond-Nevu-Schwarz string with one end fixed 2005 PhD ASSOC. PROF. TEOMAN TURGUT
MEHMET DELİÖMEROĞLU Energy resolution and response analysis of the wedge 2-13 of the hadron forward calorimeter with electrons 2005 Master's PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
UFUK KAYSERİLİOĞLU Quantum group structures associated with invariances of some physical algebras 2005 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
HAKAN ERKUT Accretion Disks Around Magnetized Neutron Stars 2005 Doktora PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
İBRAHİM İNANÇ Nanokristal yapılı silisyumlarda sıcaklığa ve lazer gücüne bağlı fotoışıma 2004 Master's ASSOC. PROF. ALİ SERPENGÜZEL
EVİN GÜLTEPE Monte Carlo simulation and statistical analysis of genetic information coding 2004 Master's ASSOC. PROF. LEVENT KURNAZ
CEMİLE EZER Theoretical foundations of axion particles 2004 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
ALİ SERDAR ARIKAN Multiparameter generalization of deformed particle algebras 2004 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
ATA KARAKÇI A comparison of operator fiormalisms of linear and logarithmic trajectory dual models 2004 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
ARTUR SALTIKLI Representations of some generalized oscillator algebras 2004 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
AZMİ ALİ ALTINTAŞ Inhomogeneous quantum invariance group of commuting fermions 2004 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
ABDULLAH ÖZKANLAR Representations of the quantum matrix group SLq(2,R) 2003 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
KAAN ATAK D.C. photoconductivity in As2Se3 thin films 2003 Master's PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
HAKAN ERKOL Approximate ground state energies of one dimensional potential wells by the S-matrix formalism 2003 Master's PROF. HALUK BEKER
BURAK TEVFİK KAYNAK Noncommutative phase and the unitarization of the quantum group GLp,q(2) 2003 Master's PROF. CİHAN SAÇLIOĞLU
ŞULE KEHNEMİ Folding model calculation of nuclear potential energy 2003 PhD PROF. ERHAN GÜLMEZ
KAZIM YAVUZ EKŞİ Star-disk interaction and anomalous x-ray pulsars 2003 PhD PROF. NİHAL ERCAN
GÜLNUR İKİŞ GÜN X-Ray Binaries With White Dwarfs 2003 Doktora PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
SAFFET YEŞİLYURT Migration of Giant Planets by Dynamical Friction in an Evolving Planetesimal Disk 2003 Doktora PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
NAZIM ZİYA PERDAHÇI Normal forms, nonlocal chaotic behavior in sprott and NMR system 2002 PhD PROF. ÖMER OĞUZ
ERCAN KAMBER Monte Carlo simulation of lattice growth from solution with lattice defects in three dimensions 2002 Master's ASSOC. PROF. LEVENT KURNAZ
SERKANT ALİ ÇETİN ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker and Higgs Physics Related to Extra Standard Model Families 2002 PhD PROF. ENGİN ARIK
CANAN KARAALİOĞLU Nonstandard cosmological metrics 2001 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
GÖKHAN ŞAHİN Shape measurements by using electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) 2001 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
BÜKEM TANÖREN Time series analysis of current in PMMA 2001 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
  Conductivity mechanisms in metallic glasses 2001 Master's PROF. YANİ SKARLATOS
BAŞAK HAKANOĞLU Chandra observations of EX Hydrae 2001 Yüksek Lisans PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
DENİZ SEZER Frequency-resolved photoconductivity studies in amorphous chalcogenide films 2000 PhD PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
AHMET BAYKAL The Invariant function approach to recursion relations for exactly soluble quantum potentials and the relativistic hydrogen atom 2000 Master's PROF. HALUK BEKER
ÖZGÜR DELİCE Dirac bracket quantization of a simple relativistic system 2000 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
MEHMET ÇALIK Cylindrically symmetric cosmic stringy surfaces and their transmutations 2000 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
KAZIM YAVUZ EKŞİ TV-col: A DQ her type cataclysmic variable binary system 1999 Master's PROF. NİHAL ERCAN
ALİ SEBETCİ Accretion discs around compact objects 1999 Master's PROF. E. NİHAL ERCAN
MEHMET KAAN ÖZTÜRK Relativistic two body problem and fourier analysis on lorentz group 1999 Master's PROF. RUFAT MİR-KASİMOV
  Archaeological provenancing of marble by pore size analysis, using phase transition porosimetry 1999 Master's PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
GÜLTEKİN GÜLŞEN Determination of thermal optical properties of TiO2 and ZrO2 films and their fiber optic temperature sensor application 1999 PhD ASSOC. PROF. M. NACİ İNCİ
KAMİL SERKAN GÜNTÜRK Integrability of non-lineardifferential equations; lax formulation and bi-Hamiltonian structures 1998 Master's PROF. ÖMER OĞUZ
MEHMET BURÇİN ÜNLÜ Braided q-oscillators 1998 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
KAMURAN SAYGILI Cosmology and spontaneus symmetry breaking 1998 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
ALİ SERDAR ARIKAN Stereographic coordinates for unitary quantum groups 1998 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
ERDİNÇ ATILGAN Approximate constants of motion for the modified Henon-Heiles 1998 Master's PROF. AVADİS HANLIYAN
MÜGE KARAGÖZ Design and construction of a positron emission tomography (PET) unit and medical applications with GEANT detector simulation package 1998 Master's PROF. ENGİN ARIK
ALİ YILDIZ Determination of optical constants of thin film 1998 Master's ASSOC. PROF. NACİ İNCİ
GÖKHAN ÜNEL Some physical applications of q deformations 1998 PhD PROF. METİN ARIK
SERKANT ALİ ÇETİN Physics and Trigger Studies with ATLAS Detector 1998 Yüksek Lisans PROF. ENGİN ARIK
HAKAN ERKUT Ae Aqr: A Dq Her Type Cataclysmic Variable Binary System 1998 Yüksek Lisans PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
FERHAT KOCABIYIK Muon track reconstruction from cathode strip readout of streamer tube planes in chorus muon spectrometer 1996 Master's PROF. ENGİN ARIK
N. GÖKHAN ÜNEL Determination of sensity of states of n-type hygrogenated amorphous silicon by phase shift analysis of modulated photocurrent method 1995 Master's PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
  Unitary group and guantum group q-oscillators and fibonaccization 1994 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
GÜLNUR İKİŞ ROSAT data analysis of TT Arietis 1994 Yüksek Lisans PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
AYDIN AKKAYA Nonlinear dynamics of laser beam propagation in the constrained dielectric geometrics 1993 Master's PROF. AVADİS HACINLAYAN
ASLI ERDOĞAN A Study of the staeblerwronski effects in hydrogenated amorphous silicon films 1993 Master's ASSOC. PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
TÜLAY ÇUHADAR Experimental searches for higgs boson and reconstructin of semileptonic decays of heavy higgs 1993 Master's PROF. ENGİN ARIK
ERCÜMENT AKAT Study of alingment, efficiencies, and vertex resolution of a large magnetic spectrometer to measure spin structure functions in deep inelastic muon scattering 1993 Master's PROF. ENGİN ARIK
ALİ YILDIZ AC and DC conductivites in chalcogenide glasses 1993 Master's ASSOC. PROF. GÜLEN AKTAŞ
  Gauge theories based on quantum groups, representations of the braid group 1993 Master's PROF. METİN ARIK
GÖKHAN ŞEN A Study of Low-mass X-ray binaries 1993 Yüksek Lisans PROF. DR. ENİSE NİHAL ERCAN
  The design and construction of a tea molecular nitrogen laser system 1988 Master's ASST. PROF. A. J. WETHERİLT
KAMİL MEHMET YENİCE Path integrals in quantum theory and some applications to homogeneous spaces 1985 Master's DR. METİN ARIK
JAN KALAYCI On the classical solutions of field theoretical models 1984 PhD DR. MAHMUT HORTAÇSU
A. FAHRÜNİSA NEYZİ Cononical structure and integrability of new two-dimensional field theories 1984 PhD ASSOC. PROF. METİN ARIK
FAHRÜNİSA NEYZİ Grand unified models and neutrino oscillations 1982 Master's  
JAN KALAYCI Weinberg Salam model and e+ e > m+ m process 1981 Master's  
UĞURHAN MUĞAN Geometrical approaches to soliton equations 1981 Master's  
DOĞAN DİBEKÇİ The Schrödinger equation and SO (2,1) spectrum generating algebras 1980 Master's DR. HALUK BEKER
NURETTİN KARAGÖZ The top quark threshold 1980 Master's DR. AVADİS HACINLIYAN
OSMAN G. ÇAĞLAYAN Electromagnetic interactions of extended particles 1980 Master's DR. HALUK BEKER
HALİL İBRAHİM SUR Removal of baseline drift from recorded infrared spectra 1980 Master's ASSOC. PROF. AHMET K. ATAKAN
OYA TÜMBEK A construction of Weyl and Dirac equations using group theoretical techniques 1974 Master's  


Güncelleme tarihi: 
28 Nov 2022

Son Güncelleme: 14:56:44 - 12.10.2023